2010年7月28日 星期三

Tom Clancy's HAWX

HAWX is a flying game made and published by Ubisoft or known as "Ubifail"
Few years ago, due to the popularity of Ace Combat 6 by Namco, Ubisoft announced that they are going to make a flying game to compete with Ace Combat. They even announced that it's going to be a flight sim.

So...players waited, after four delays and the released day was postponed for like 10 months.
The crappiest flight sim was released. The game was not a sim at all.........
Physics were horrible, many models of the planes were wrong, downloadable contents were fucking built in, horrible story line, with only one type of online game mode.
Anyway...the whole thing was just.....wrong.......

Since I already got the game at the time, so I decided might as well play this game like an arcade which I did and turned out to be fun.

I recorded a couple of my online battle against people I don't know at all and they...generally suck...
yea yea yea, I'm bragging
whatever, MLG HAWX title holder I am

I messed around a lot in the game.......
enjoy the vids

