2010年7月26日 星期一

Most Ridicules Airsoft Guns....

Title says it all.

1st off
CQB anyone?
MP5K with drum mag

MP5K.....the shortest SMG available.
Now with a drum mag that can carry 800+ rounds of BBs.
I mean.......CQB....you don't even need to aim, just spray...

Next up
Sniping anyone?
Some revolver with bipod,  vertical grip and a 4X scope

You don't see that many people with airsoft revolvers,
but this guy decides to SNIPE with a revolver....
Probably the most portable sniping system.....

The "Minigun"

For some reasin....people call it "mini"gun even though it's not mini at all....
3000 rounds per minute...
now......minigun VS TV.....

1 則留言:

  1. Many players enjoy the realism this creates as it is a more similar feel to an actual pistol.
