2010年6月30日 星期三


UAV and UCAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle)

so...how did UAV actually started.
UAV started by many different small and large group of people who play RC aircraft.
and they just decided, oh hey ! I can put a video cam on my plane!
and that's what exactly the air forces around the world start to do. They make BIG RC planes and put a UBER VIDEO CAMERA on there and hey, here's your UAV.

Well, the story of UCAV is pretty much the same.....
People start to put rockets on their RC heli/planes..and yea...

Ok...now...UAVs and UCAVs NEED PILOTS. Again, they are just RC airplanes.
A lot people think, oh it's UAV, there's no pilot!  WRONG!!!
or.....oh there's an AI on board that thing. WRONG!!!
Why? Terminator, Stealth, iRobot and all those movies that have AI in there.

advantages of UAV/UCAV
First is pretty obvious. Pilots can stay on the ground, which means you don't need a cockpit, ejection seat, armor plating, etc.  Save money, space and when the plane get shot down, Search and Rescue is not required.

2nd, UAV doesn't have flesh, it can take on Gs till the plane break, no need to worry about the pilot.

3rd, cheap and easy to build.
People say it costs something like 10 million dollars to build one.
So what? most of the money are for the sensors and cameras on board.
and 10 mill is like nothing for the military spending
One F-35 or C-17 costs 200 mill

4th, easy to train pilots
All you need is a kid who plays flight sim games whose call sign is not Sir Crashalot

5th It has 40+ hours of flight time....
40+ ! not even the B-2 can do it without refueling

