UAV and UCAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle) did UAV actually started.
UAV started by many different small and large group of people who play RC aircraft.
and they just decided, oh hey ! I can put a video cam on my plane!
and that's what exactly the air forces around the world start to do. They make BIG RC planes and put a UBER VIDEO CAMERA on there and hey, here's your UAV.
Well, the story of UCAV is pretty much the same.....
People start to put rockets on their RC heli/planes..and yea... and UCAVs NEED PILOTS. Again, they are just RC airplanes.
A lot people think, oh it's UAV, there's no pilot! WRONG!!!
or.....oh there's an AI on board that thing. WRONG!!!
Why? Terminator, Stealth, iRobot and all those movies that have AI in there.
advantages of UAV/UCAV
First is pretty obvious. Pilots can stay on the ground, which means you don't need a cockpit, ejection seat, armor plating, etc. Save money, space and when the plane get shot down, Search and Rescue is not required.
2nd, UAV doesn't have flesh, it can take on Gs till the plane break, no need to worry about the pilot.
3rd, cheap and easy to build.
People say it costs something like 10 million dollars to build one.
So what? most of the money are for the sensors and cameras on board.
and 10 mill is like nothing for the military spending
One F-35 or C-17 costs 200 mill
4th, easy to train pilots
All you need is a kid who plays flight sim games whose call sign is not Sir Crashalot
5th It has 40+ hours of flight time....
40+ ! not even the B-2 can do it without refueling
2010年6月30日 星期三
Talking about Over-G Fighters
What is Over-G Fighters? (OGF)
Well, OGF is the only flight simulator games for the newest generation of video game consoles. (360, PS3, Wii)
But, it's only available for 360.
OGF came out when the XBOX 360 came out. The game is more concentrated on physics than graphics, unlike Ace Combat or HAWX.
OGF uses the same engine as LOMAC, which is one of the most realistic flight sim on PC.
Every single plane in the game has its own unique characteristics, and it's not just like how fast it can fly or how fast/ tight you can turn. It's the way how each individual plane act/react under different maneuvers.
Here are some of my stunts/combat footages.
Mig-29 Cobra Landing
I was just flying the Mig-29 to see the thrust to weight ratio.
Then I decided to try to perform a cobra landing.
and..YES I did it....
I know it's not perfect but at least I did it.
Su-27 Insane Stunt
This was a practice fight against four F-16 (AI) while I'm in the Su-27 with acrobatic smoke to show my flight path.
I decided that oh, it's going to be easy so I started to try to pull off couple stunts and who knows! IT HAPPENED!
Watch the video.
The last video is just a regular "dogfight"
Only thing that's special is that the fight was between me and the hardest AI in the game.....
Well, OGF is the only flight simulator games for the newest generation of video game consoles. (360, PS3, Wii)
But, it's only available for 360.
OGF came out when the XBOX 360 came out. The game is more concentrated on physics than graphics, unlike Ace Combat or HAWX.
OGF uses the same engine as LOMAC, which is one of the most realistic flight sim on PC.
Every single plane in the game has its own unique characteristics, and it's not just like how fast it can fly or how fast/ tight you can turn. It's the way how each individual plane act/react under different maneuvers.
Here are some of my stunts/combat footages.
Mig-29 Cobra Landing
I was just flying the Mig-29 to see the thrust to weight ratio.
Then I decided to try to perform a cobra landing.
and..YES I did it....
I know it's not perfect but at least I did it.
Su-27 Insane Stunt
This was a practice fight against four F-16 (AI) while I'm in the Su-27 with acrobatic smoke to show my flight path.
I decided that oh, it's going to be easy so I started to try to pull off couple stunts and who knows! IT HAPPENED!
Watch the video.
The last video is just a regular "dogfight"
Only thing that's special is that the fight was between me and the hardest AI in the game.....
2010年6月29日 星期二
Driver's License Test Tomorrow!!!!!
Taking my license test tomorrow......body still hurts from Monday's work out.....
Not rally worry about my driving skill but the pain....
Alan Wake Files English to Mandarin Translation (心靈殺手原文小說翻譯)
Um...pretty much just translating Alan Wake Files into Mandarin.
Alan Wake Files is a book based on the action, horror, adventure game Alan Wake on XBOX 360.
The book pretty much cuts into the details which are not included or clearly stated in the game.
The translation is still in progress.
Alan Wake Files是從XBOX 360的驚險動作遊戲"心靈殺手"推出的。
Alan Wake檔案 由Clay Steward彙編
一個勇敢並且極為不理智的故事,記錄著一個人勇敢的面對持續困擾著他的夢境。Clay Steward 吸引人的旅程,帶著他到一個位在於美國西北部太平洋海岸的一個小鎮,跟隨著知名作家Alan Wake,以及變節的FBI幹員 Robert Nightingale的腳步。他旅途到樹林的深處,更深入探險黑暗的中心,一切都是為了解開一連串長達百年,並且持續至今都令人恐懼的奇異事件。
位在於Rain Cove Point的燈塔,距離Bright Fall不遠,如我持續出現的夢境中的燈塔一模一樣。
你手中所握著的書,代表著一條生命的結束,以及另一條生命的開始。我的名字是Clay Steward,我所展開這段路途,是因為一連串奇異的夢境,這些夢境卻顯現出真實的人、一個處在於問題當中的小城市、以及一個超越我想像的強大並且具有破壞力的黑暗勢力。
兩年前,如果有人問我誰是Alan Wake或Bright Fall到底位於哪裡,我會被這兩個問題給打倒。一路走來,我的生命從未碰到這些異常的事件,也許這是對我比較好的。但是我無法改變過去,我只能去了解它,透過這本書的發售,或許我能夠從一路上被我傷害的人得到一點原諒。
我會解釋我是如何被捲入這些事件當中,但是,你必須要瞭解一件事情,那就是去年,在Bright Fall Deerfest (鹿節) 前幾個禮拜的混亂,代表著我們這個年代最大的謎題。這本書的一開始,敘說著我個人嘗試瞭解並解開這些謎題的路程。現在,我害怕這是不可能的。我只希望驅逐他們,如此一來,他們就會放棄對我的要求。
我在Madison,威斯康辛州有一個平靜的生活,直到這些夢的開始。重複的夢境,全部導引我到一個地點。 我的第一個夢,其實什麼都不是。我在夜晚裡,獨自一個人在小木屋內。聽到有人敲門,我走到門廊,卻什麼人也沒有。一個提燈被打破,在我眼裡,這是蓄意的動作。這就是它如何打動我。第二個夢跟第一個夢一樣,只是在我發現提燈被打破後,我從樹林聽到聲音,我認為我看到動靜。我跟隨著它到樹林的邊境,這時候夢停了(睡醒了XD)。第三個夢跟隨著第一個以及第二個夢,只是那個聲音越來越大。樹開始倒掉,就好像我在一的暴風中間。
但是你不能永遠保持清醒。有一天深夜,我在看一部老秀 Night Springs的重播,我一直打瞌睡。在半睡半醒的模糊狀態中,我聽到了那個來自我夢裡的人的聲音。他在跟我說話,說著:"我對文學的黨派或是文藝類型的問題對峙文學小說都不感興趣。我想要一個好故事,充分的述說,我會帶它到我能夠得到它的地方。" 我的雙眼,顫抖的睜開,他就在那裡,那位我夢中的無名男子。他在我天殺的電視內,與兩名男子坐在一張圓形的木製桌被訪問當中。我差點從我的沙發上跳起來,我一生中都沒有這麼清醒過。我一直看、一直看,直到另一個問題指向另一名男子,一段字幕出現:"Alan Wake,The Sudden Stop的作者。"
這整個是有可能的,很有可能,考慮到Wake的名氣,我之前看過他的照片,並且做過一些不自覺的抄襲,但從我眼裡,我知道某些關於他的事情,我尚未閱讀的東西。在隨後幾天,我沉迷在收尋他所寫的文章,閱讀所有我能夠得到的資料。到最後,一切都確認他就是那名每晚都跟我一同困在地獄的人。他的偵探,Alex Casey,就跟他一樣,他們分享著一樣無情的幽默感,就算當死亡來臨時。
我很確認這些夢代表著Alan Wake的經歷。不只這樣-更是一個警訊。我寫了一封充滿了熱情的信給Mr. Wake的出版公司,但我只收到一張明信片並鼓勵我購買Wake的最新書籍。
我現在很少與我的太太Anna說話,我感覺我逐漸的脫離我以前的生活。我的日誌幫助我瞭解我夢中的經歷。這些夢在接下來的幾個月持續下去,並且變的越來越可怕。只有一件事是明確的,不知為何,我所經歷的夢境環繞著Alan Wake。事實上,他是這一切發生的原因。每個晚上,不是我被殺,就是看到其他人被殺。最後我看到一個小鎮被摧毀,整個世界被黑暗吞蝕。而這全部都是他的錯!我沒有責怪他,但我必須連絡他,告訴他我所看到的一切,警告他。
當我在大學圖書館內尋找燈塔的相關資料時,我碰巧的看到了我夢中的燈塔,這件事有如閃電般擊中我。這個燈塔位在於一個叫做Bright Fall的城鎮的郊外。我在網路上所搜尋的照片,展現出我想像中的剪貼簿。就在這,一個位在於華盛頓州,有如圖畫般的小鎮,釣魚、伐木、惡劣的天氣。照片中的建築物、街道、橋樑都來自於我的惡夢。我曾經看過它們。
我無法在否認這一切,我為了自己下定了決心,買了一張$165美金的灰狗巴士車票並在兩天後到達Bright Fall。我必須承認,從一開始,事情就感覺不對。我在中西部的Shitburg (註1),已經住夠了足以的時間來瞭解摧毀經濟的書近距離的長相,但這跟它並不一樣。有事情在這裡發生了。許多房子都有彈孔,充滿了混亂的氣息。有人提到龍捲風,但那使人憂慮穿著著悲傷的衣服的女人的數量
我住宿在Majestic汽車旅館的二號房。聞起來像陳舊的酒跟香煙,帶有著相當濃度的fear-sweat (註2)。我不知道我會在這裡待多久,但我依然打開我的行李-除了我的夢境日誌。我從我的背包裡拿出了我的瑞士刀,並拉出十字螺絲起子,爬到通風口並將通風口的網子拆下來,想著我很伶俐,就算我曾在幾部電影中看過。
碰巧的,我猜有人也跟我一樣。因為就在那裡,我找到了一個綠色的硬紙盒。我把他拉出來並在我的床上把它打開:一個被貯藏的文件,大概有三個厚的馬尼拉資料夾那麼厚。當我看到筆者的名字時,我知道這是筆者旅途的盡頭:FBI 特別幹員 Robert Nightingale。我數個月的痛苦、我碎裂的婚姻、我的混亂全都流過我。這就是這些夢所指引我的,這間位在於Bright Fall華盛頓州的房間。
Alan Wake剛來到Bright Fall。
-Clay Steward
註1:Shitburg是只美國麻薩諸塞州一個叫Fitchburg的城市,並且加以醜化~~~ (Shit....)
註2:Fear-sweat似乎是毒品的一種@@? 麻煩請知道的解答~~~(序章完)
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