2010年9月17日 星期五


Playing Halo Reach right now, just like everyone else :D
Will probably post review tomorrow~~

2010年9月15日 星期三

Airsoft MW2

so...MW2 generated a huge impact in the world wide society.
Not only the gaming industry, but also the economy.
With OVER 3 million copies pre-ordered, and many more after it's release.

One of the biggest airsoft retailer in US recently put up a section of their showcase, featuring weapons from MW2.
Their current location is pretty small, but they are going to expand during THIS holiday season :D

2010年9月13日 星期一

Ace Combat: Assault Horizon Development Team Interview

Project ACES Strikes Back!!!
Well.....HAWX 2 ended up crashed and burned right after take off.

Project ACES interviewed one of the BEST DEVELOPER EVER!
Kazutoki Kono

In this interview, Mr. Kono concentrated in the details of the trailer and the stories behind it.
Enjoy it :D

2010年9月10日 星期五

Funny isn't it?

So....as I mentioned in the previous posts....
I hate HAWX, hate UBI.....
Lots of people on the official HAWX forum flame me saying that I know nothing

Funny, I started playing video games from flying games, MORE THAN 10 YEARS IN THE AREA

well....HAWX 2 has been out for a week or so, and lots of people who bought the game are complaining, few of my friends and I are not laughing at them for their failure of buying the game and arguing with the pros.

oh and, one of my friend made this vid to show how HAWXs have failed

2010年9月8日 星期三

RUSE Changing the World of RTS

A brand new RTS that's changing the world of RTS gaming.
What's so special about this game?
RUSE features the highest pixel out of all RTS.
It also allows you to use many of the ruses (strategies) of WWII.
Demo has been out for a couple days.
Download it and try it.
It's worth it.....

and.....that's not where it ends.....
RUSE...is also multi-touch ready for the Microsft Multitouch
Gosh...I wish I have one....but the price tag on this is equivalent to a car...

2010年9月6日 星期一

The Real Austin Power!

Back to the 60th, the race to the moon between US ans USSR began.
That was the surface of the space race.
But deep inside, a race between the spies was triggered as the U-2 was shot down by the USSR over the Russian sky.

This is their story.

2010年9月3日 星期五

HAWX 2 Forum FLAMING!!!!!

So....since the first HAWX was horrible....and UBI FAIL decided to troll a shit load of us by making built in data as "DLC" which cost money for us to "download"
(I think they need a dictionary to explain what the hell is DLC)

A large group of players, including myself, decided to troll everyone that supports HAWX 2 on the official forum, not by cursing or trash talking but just by debating with rich supports and details :D

so far, we got a lot of "Hawxistans" mad, which is a good thing in reality

here's the link to the official HAWX forum http://forums.ubi.com/eve/forums/a/frm/f/3981007546
my screen name is Garm16

for my own record.....
defeated a guy who claimed himself to be a real glider pilot and studied a bunch of aerodynamics in "University"
how? proved his physic theories are all freaking wrong......

another guy who pretends to know everything and was giving out false information to people such as there are no difference between Mig-25 and Mig-31 other than bigger engines.
I laughed, really really hard.
He even said that the Mig-21 is not a modern fighter jet.....wtf? most built and still in use today

oh and...another guy who pretty much praise HAWX as his GOD
still trolling him right now....and it's fun to get people mad cause they can't argue back when you have rich informations :D

for forums like this, I call it, "Target Rich Environment"

2010年9月1日 星期三

Back to School......

So...first day of school....was hopping that all of my teachers will be awesome like last year, except one...

First period was US History!!!
Wasn't really worrying about the teacher because most of the history teachers are awesome!!!
Walked into the room, first thing I saw, fixed gear! second thing I saw, poster with lots of jets!
Teacher was really nice and chill :D

Second period was Pre-Cal
Knowing the room was one of those portable class rooms, I was relaxed because most of the teachers in those rooms are coaches!
Walked in, no one was there 0_o
right before the bell rang, he walked into the room : )
He introduced himself a little bit, and apparently, he was a hand to hand combat instructor during the Vietnam War but he looks only 40ish !

Third period was Physics, I skipped Chemistry :D
Teacher was kinda old but nice, nothing was really special@@

Fourth period = Art 1
The teacher went to one of the Italy's top institute of art, forgot the name, some long Italian name @@
Funniest thing he told us, when he was in Italy, he told his prof that he hates abstract arts.
His prof asked him why, he said, "Well, they are for people who can't paint and whoever buys the artworks are retards"  lol
but yea, that was at the beginning

5th and 6th......don't even want to talk about them.....
one was a complete Delta Bravo......
another was.....kinda like on life support.....can't hear well...can't talk loud......